10 Easy Tips To Begin Your Transition Into A Sugar Free Lifestyle

10 Easy Tips To Begin Your Transition Into A Sugar Free Lifestyle

10 Easy Tips To Begin Your Transition Into A Sugar Free Lifestyle, is the continuation of all my previous posts related to Sugar Consumption and the importance to cut back the substance out of our life in order to get on the healthy track.

Now, Like I have previously said in my Post Called 10 Remarkable Benefits That Sugar – Free Lifestyle Brings Up To Our Mind And Body…. I completely understand how difficult it can be.

And just to refresh our memories, a few of the consequences Sugar added consumption brings; its been linked to:

10 Easy Tips To Begin Your Transition Into A Sugar Free Lifestyle

Therefore, in concordance to the previous posts and in order to provide easy steps to get on our sugar free journey, I thought about coming up with 10 different  ways to help your transition into a Sugar Free lifestyle.

Baby steps now; it does not have to be perfect; but it does have to be consistent. _as any major change in our life really_



10 Easy Tips To Begin Your Transition Into A Sugar Free Lifestyle

1.- One day At the Time, Start Gradually

When we have been systemized to consume this substance since basically before we were born; we cannot just expect to cut it all at once and become instantaneously sugar-free happy, healthy people.

Took years to get addicted to this substance, will take some time to leave Sugar Consumption for good.

Bye bye Coke & Code – Jeroen Baert's Blog

So, one day at the time, we start removing sugar added intake, perhaps by:

1.- Reducing the amount of sweetener in your coffee, tea, or breakfast cereal.

2.- At first, Pick-up whole-wheat breads, pastas, and other grains with no added sugar.

3.- Infuse your water with your favorite fruit. Instead of drinking those regular soda and fruit juices with sugar added.

These are just a few ideas, that might sound simple and small, but that can lead to major changes and a more optimal functioning when doing them daily.


2.- Substitutions all the way

Sugary treats are obviously out of limits, but do not worry! There are options that can be consumed and that will satisfy those cravings during sugar free adjustments times.

There are multiple options such as:

Keto desserts are excellent options to substitute those sugar treats we previously consumeIncredible Low Carb Keto Friendly Carrot Cake Only 4.7 Carb Per piece

Keto Cheesecake, Keto brownies (for those chocolate lovers) and maybe why not? A Keto Carrot piece of cake are just one of many excellent options out there, in order to cook and show yourself that you have what it takes to take care of yourself with the best treats possible.

But wait a minute, perhaps you are not quite interested in Keto lifestyle.

And thats Ok!

My whole point is to provide a few ideas that will satisfy your cravings, that are sugar free, glutten free and almost carbs free.

Your body and yourself will feel amazing trying this healthy snacks.

And for a change, you will give yourself a break from all those sugar highs and lows.

3.- Reading the Food Labels, are a Must now!

How to read food labels - Indiacc

Not only to prevent us from consuming Sugar, but also to actually understand what it is that we are about to eat.

What it is that this “processed food” really contains.

Knowledge is power and not only will help us achieve our Sugar – Free lifestyle Goal, but also we will be able to discern properly if a product is actually good for us, or is not worth it.

It might help us save a few bucks in our pockets even.

It’s a win/win situation, when you think about it.


4.- Different names for Sugar, Time to Learn them

This I didn’t know when I first started reading labels, and taking care of my eating and health habits.

I will provide a few of the names Sugar owns in multiple products nowadays _Try to avoid all this_;  that makes the same toxic effect Sugar does to our body.

These type of sugar may be named such as:

  • glucose
  • maltrose
  • sucrose
  • dextrose
  • fructose
  • lactose
  • molasses
  • agave
  • syrups, such as corn, rice, malt, and maple
  • fruit juice concentrate
  • maltodextrin

Like I previously said, all these types of Sugar. Whether big companies admit it or not, cause the same damage and has the same levels of toxicity in our blood stream that regular sugar added cause.

By looking deep into the labels and getting to know these alternative names and types, we are taking care of ourselves and preventing to buy any unnecessary processed food with sugar added hidden.

5.- Be careful with the Artificial Sweeteners Intake

Even though there are a great substitutes for Sugar Added (especially because apparently, they seem to be harmless to our pancreas and hormones).

Artificial sweeteners can be anywhere from 200 to 13,000 times sweeter than real sugar.

If we abuse or over consume artificial sweeteners, our brain gets the same stimulus just like if we were eating sugar added. Maybe won’t be reflected in our blood stream, but psychologically speaking; we are as addicted as if we were eating regular sugar.

The whole Idea is to be able to enjoy a few natural sweet taste here and there, such as in strawberries or other fruits without being to overly attached to the sweet taste.

6.- Quit Drinking Sugary drinks!

World Health Organisation urges all countries to tax sugary drinks | Sugar | The Guardian

Way to many sugary drinks is at our disposal nowadays, but what about fruit juices? What about tonic water?

They all contain sugarvadded in it; and are definitely not the best source of fiber or nutrients.

Some of these examples would be:

  • Soda
  • fruit juices
  • flavored coffee
  • flavored milk
  • flavored tea
  • hot chocolate
  • tonic water

Best avoid this. Drink water and eat your fruits and vegetables, that would be a healthy option that would substitute this drinks that mostly contained sugar added in them.

Remember, substitution is Key.
7.- Point out the moments that you will have sugar

At the beginning is not an easy task to just quit on Sugar all at once.

In fact, like I previously said in my post Sugar Madness & That Sugar Film, leaving Sugar consumption for good can leave us feeling tired with withdrawal symptoms all over, at least for a few weeks.

Therefore, before going all in; moderation is key.

Organize when you are having this sugar added products or sweets, and then start by reducing the number of times it happens.

8.- Make sure you are getting the nutrients that you need

When eliminating foods laden with natural sugar, like fruit, it’s important to add other foods that can provide the same nutrients.

Fruit is usually high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber but Vegetables can also serve as an easy replacement for many fruit servings.

Eat a variety of colors of vegetables to ensure you are getting the full spectrum of nutrients.

Each color represents a different nutrient the body needs.

vegetable | Description, Types, Farming, & Examples | Britannica

9.- Organization is Key when having your meals.

Sometimes the lack of organization we have for our meals or in our daily life in general, leave us more vulnerable to just grab anything we can to eat at the moment.

It is important to realize that organization help us not only to have more control into what type of products we are consuming but also to be calmer and less anxious regarding our food.

Try to schedule when you are having your meals and if possible, try to already know what you are going to eat; that way at the moment to cook you wont be choosing out of hunger but more out of what you really need in terms of nutrients.

10.- Spice it up

A lot of us, uses large quantities of salt and sugar as condiments to enhance flavor in our food.

Reduce the amount of sugar and salt, and instead try to substitute with spices, herbs and new flavors that will give you anew fresh more exotic taste to your meals.

Trust me, you will be surprise what new sensations, your brand new food will provide.

Sustainable Spices Initiative - IDH - the sustainable trade initiative

Personal Experience

Sugar Free lifestyle at first, felt like a titanic task.

Almost impossible one to achieve.

I remember back in Buenos Aires, I even used to defend Sugar against those artificial sweeteners out there _I still find that memory hilarious_ saying I preferred “the natural sugar from sugar cane” rather than those artificial strange sweeteners that I really did not know what contained _talking about ignorance right there_

Sugar was a big part of my life, and it was affecting me in so many ways and I was completely blind about it.

Why no one tell me anything at the time?

Why this substance is been sold like anything else if it causes so many diseases and addiction between the world population?

So many questions were coming up at the time; feelings of anger thanks to all of the misinformation started to rise up, along with a feeling of frustration.

I felt defenseless.

Ever label I read, every single product I used to consume; had either sugar as the primary ingredient or any other weird name for Sugar in it.

Why, I wondered, there is the need to alter real whole food flavors?

No wonder self-control, self-assertiveness and self-care has been so hard to achieve.

We have been fooled, over and over again.

Confusing “natural ingredients” with toxic foods and addictive cycles with sugar added hidden.

Sugar consumption has altered our nervous systems, have had our hormones running out like crazy in a weak attempt to normalize our blood sugar levels.

Our Mental Health is daily affected by Sugar Consumption, making us anxious, depressed and constantly craving for more.

When I left Sugar Consumption for good and was feeling this dizziness, weakness in my bones and having this sensation of restlessness and nervousness.

I wondered why, our food industries would want us to be attached emotionally and physically like this.

But, even then, regardless of anything, I have come to the conclusion, that it is normal that we defend and protect those things that feels familiar.

We feel safe and in control with them.

And Sugar is known for causing the sensation of familiarity, love and comfort. Letting that Go, is never easy; and food industries know this fact very well.

Cupid's chemical addiction – the science of love | Clinical Knowledge Network

But then what happens when we realize that these things no longer serve us? or no longer serve to our chances for reaching out higher potentials?.

When I think about it, the way I consumed sugar was basically like an addicted.

When I felt down, off I went for my sugary treat,

When I woke up, along with my morning cigarette, had to have a very sweet coffee with at least 4 tablespoons of Sugar.

In the afternoon; Cookies, chocolates. Wheat flour breads, fast food, you name it, everything was right there for me to grab on it.

Even the things that had this “healthy label” on it, contained somehow sugar in it.

Whether I felt like one of those days that I wanted to be healthy for a change or whether I was being my usual self, Sugar was there all the way, along with its hardcore consecuences in my body and mood.

But there is a way to be sugar – free.

One day at the time, small steps, lead us to major changes in life.

I also remember I had no idea how to start, so I began reading.

Knowledge is Power.

After starting this journey, little by little, I began to understand, how my body suffered when I consumed Sugar,  how my insulin levels spiked, or how my mental health was being affected by all this toxic sugar highs and lows.

I began substituting processed foods for another more natural whole foods, and before I knew it, I felt safer to do more changes regarding my nutrition.

10 Easy Tips To Begin Your Transition Into A Sugar Free Lifestyle, reminds me when I was so clueless at the time when I first started, it was stressful so, I would like others to maybe have a bit more knowledge to begin with; in order to make this sugar free lifestyle transition a bit easier.

I hope you find this information useful,

Let me know in your comments down below, your thoughts on this one.

Sending you love always,

Till next time.

Eugenia Rivero


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Psy. Eugenia C. Rivero Sanchez

Eugenia Rivero, Venezuelan, trained in clinical psychology at Rafael Urdaneta University (Maracaibo-Venezuela). Experienced both as clinical psychologist in private practice as well as Human Resources Senior Consultant in the corporate environment; Eugenia Rivero, often found herself curious about other possibilities relating to psychotherapy, different lifestyles, and cultures around the globe. With great enthusiasm -and past traumas that needed to be healed- started this healing journey along with her husband, becoming a full immigrant practicing the art of living consciously fully named as Bizarre Day; a united philosophy of mental and physical that equips people to find their inner strength making it possible for them to change unhealthy patterns product of past traumas into a more self-sufficient and fulfilled life. Bizarre Day manage the art of Living consciously with the prime objective to reach out for our best potential through a profound connection between the inside and the outside.
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