7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self Journey

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self Journey

One of the major aspects of the nourishment of the Self journey you should take into consideration Dear Reader; is the fact that it is a difficult process.

It is a process filled with emotions, and more blue days than bright, especially at the beginning; and music can become a great ally for when we do not know how to express how we feel or what to do even.

At least in my particular case I can tell you with all honesty, music is what marked the difference between a horrible day, and a not so bad day.

Hello Dear Reader; I hope you are feeling good, that you are in good terms with existence and taking care of your mental health as it should be.

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self JourneyFor those who do not know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Eugenia Rivero; a clinical psychology originally from Venezuela South America; who a few years back moved to Asia and started this whole inner journey I like to call Nourishment of The Self.

Because that is exactly what I did.

I feel im still on this exciting and very much difficult transformation where past traumas needed to be healed in order to become a person who would fight for its highest potentials and dreams.

And along with my husband; also start this whole adaptative process where mixed with a whole new different culture; would in return make me feel like I have never felt before. Happy and In tuned with my true essence of self.

Singapore to me is what I like to call, the place I have found and that truly is home. Any other place in the globe have ever made me feel like that. After this, everything else bloomed and also… broke down.

So along with these different learnings relating #ketolifestyle and mental health; I try to communicate the good word and examples for other to reach out until this point.

And todays blog is no exception.

Music; and the appreciation of Music is Key for us to grow, heal, feel in the canvas fo what I like to call our life.

Music is a huge part of the art of living consciously. It helps us, it consoles us. Music Accompany us through dark days and break our hearts deeply in order to start healing deeply as well.

And that is why I bring this blog relating the benefits of music called:

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self Journey

That I hope you will enjoy read as much as I enjoyed writing it.

But what is music though?

Music is defined as vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. One of the few definitions I don’t have anny issues with. (merriam webster)

And it is thanks to music I believe that we as a society as able to feel empathy towards others and even more importantly, Love.

Lets see what benefits bring Music into our lives.

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self Journey

1.- Music Reduces stress

Stress is a big part of life, let’s be honest; and because of the daily demands, we find ourselves prioritizing other things before thinking about what can calm us down and how we can manage our stressful emotions effectively.

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self JourneySay no more; Music is here for the rescue (as I always say).

Music is one amazing way we can get to get in touch with a inner space where everything can start to calm down. (And if you add meditation; mindfulness or yoga to the equation; voila! Perfect recipe for relaxation)

Try some instrumental music in the background to make yourself feel like you are in some sort of spa treatment.

The smoothness and softness of the music improves our tolerance capacity and reduce the severance of a particular situation we might be experiencing at the moment.

Although even hard rock or heavy metal; it really depends in our tastes.

This technique allows us to gain perspective and time for introspection.

2.- Helps with Emotional Management

Effective emotional management is key for us to be content, and calm. It needs to be in connected towards our true essence of self and into what we truly need.

Emotions are not always easy, that’s for sure.

There are some emotions such as anger, guilt, resentment or sadness, fear that might block us into finding a solution.

Going inside with a soundtrack that tunes with our emotions is a good tool to process these emotions.

Sometimes the perfect soundtrack is all we need in order to process one moment at the time.

In this situation; music serves a companion towards the difficult path of processing our emotions.

3.- Reduce Levels of Anxiety and Depression

In fact, a recent study by Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson of Mindlab International has shown instrumental, classical or ambient music can help reduce anxiety by up to 65%.

When anxious and depressive states; it is difficult to maintain focus in ourselves; in a possible exit to our problem or feeling.

Music calms us down; it provides relaxation and connection within providing the much necessary environment within to regain concentration and control.

4.- Mood uplifter and Motivational tool

Music can work both as a mood uplifter and when self-motivation is lacking.

There’s nothing better than being in a happy state. We all wish to be constantly bright, glow and up for life’s challenges.

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self JourneyBut because life does not work like that; and because we as human beings fluctuate with our emotions that is obviously not the case.

Music can boost the brain’s production of the hormone dopamine. This increased dopamine production helps relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. Music is processed directly by the amygdala, which is the part of the brain involved in mood and emotions.

A up hit, bright music, can uplift your mood in those low, blue days or can help you with your persistence.

Remember; music reconnects us; and it can also reconnect with our goals and dreams and inner strength if we give it a chance.

5.- Improve Focus on work or study

There have been numerous studies proving that listening to classical music helps the mind to focus.

Music with a tempo of 60 bpm (beats per minute) increases the brain’s ability to process information.

There have also been studies suggesting that EDM (electronic dance music) helps sharpen focus while studying.

So, whenever you feel like creating a productive space; go ahead and try some classical tunes to get you there. You will end up starting with the right foot.

6.- Memory Stimulator  

Even though diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia are chronic and progressive, music therapy has been shown to relieve some of its symptoms.

Music therapy can relax an agitated patient, improve the mood and open communication in patients.

7.- Improves Cognitive Performance:

Research found that background music, or music that is played while a person is primarily focused on another task, can improve performance on cognitive tasks in elderly people.

One study suggested that playing more upbeat music led to improved processing speed, while both positive and downbeat music led to benefits in memory.

So, if you are working on a task, consider turning on a bit of music in the background if you want a boost in your mental health. Also Consider choosing instrumental tracks rather than those with complex lyrics, which might be more distracting.

A few last words

I hope you find these multiple benefits; encouraging to consider music to be your number one companion in your nourishment of the self-journey Dear Reader.

I believe by now, to the most of us know how important and transcendental Music is in our lives. They go well with our emotions and help us get through different situations in life. Sad and joyful.

7 Remarkable benefits Music Brings to Our Nourishment of The Self JourneyI knew that music was a huge part of my life from early days; but honestly, I never really consider that Music would work so strongly in my brain that would help me release happy chemicals like dopamine on my nourishment of the self journey when those blue full of sadness days. Life savior.

Even though this post is not exclusively dedicated to people with depression or anxiety; I always like to think that music is one good way to go after to those who sometimes find themselves with no way out of these episodes.

Meds are not the only solution, finding the right tune can considerably safe you from deep darkness and difficult emotions.

In my personal experience, music was always the tool to go to feel safe, in my own space and almost like a meditational state.

But what do you think about this blog? You agree music should be part of anyone’s health journey? Please share your thoughts in the comment section down below; can’t wait to see them!

Till Next Time Dear Reader.


Eugenia R

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Psy. Eugenia C. Rivero Sanchez

Eugenia Rivero, Venezuelan, trained in clinical psychology at Rafael Urdaneta University (Maracaibo-Venezuela). Experienced both as clinical psychologist in private practice as well as Human Resources Senior Consultant in the corporate environment; Eugenia Rivero, often found herself curious about other possibilities relating to psychotherapy, different lifestyles, and cultures around the globe. With great enthusiasm -and past traumas that needed to be healed- started this healing journey along with her husband, becoming a full immigrant practicing the art of living consciously fully named as Bizarre Day; a united philosophy of mental and physical that equips people to find their inner strength making it possible for them to change unhealthy patterns product of past traumas into a more self-sufficient and fulfilled life. Bizarre Day manage the art of Living consciously with the prime objective to reach out for our best potential through a profound connection between the inside and the outside.
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