Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

0 net carb only per churro

One of the most amazing snacks my husband and I used to enjoy when we were starting with our relationship back in 2010 was Churros; so obviously our interest about making this recipe Keto friendly was one goal we had to achieve; sooo, here we bring with much love and nostalgia about beautiful past times this Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe Post.

Hello Again Dear Reader! I hope you are feeling happy and in good terms with existence as always!  To be quite honest; I have found myself reading more and more looking for snacks that are easy to make.

And to be even more Honest; since I was little, nothing bored me more than spend time around the kitchen, cooking and experimenting with foods. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why I enjoyed having my food in restaurants back in Venezuela.

But because we were basically very low income my husband and at the begining back in Argentina; eating out was pretty much a luxury we couldn’t afford, so the need to head over the kitchen was latent. (Thank God for that)

Without actually knowing it, life was telling me (and sometimes forcing me) to go ahead and do my own food as the grown up that I already was.

Is not like I enjoyed cooking; actually, the one who truly feels the kitchen and moves around food experiments is my husband (a beautiful virtue I simply love about him since day one); but now after intense reading and studying about food and the benefits that comes from us nourishing ourselves fully. I don’t think its possible for me leaving the kitchen very often; i have found passionate the art of cooking the best for myself and future family.

And we haven’t had kids just yet, so imagine how going to be, when they arrive.

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros RecipeBy the way, having meals outside, is great! Every once in a while, of course, but I believe as I have exposed in But why keto lifestyle? Post and unsweetened post. We need to take charge in our own feeding; we need to learn how to nourish ourselves according to our needs and our love one needs (in case we have children).

Self-care starts by where and how we eat.

Now we are more mature; living in a new place we like to call home… those surviving mode years are way back now and we face into a new phase in our life where we manage to make the art of living consciously.

So nowadays, you may assume I feel different about feeling bored around the kitchen. To be honest; nah! I still get bored and sometimes go ahead and try to make different easy recipes to have my treats here and there.

And that is Okay! (my husband? As passionate about cooking as always… I still love very much  that virtue 😊)

You do not have to make yourself a brand new chef in order to nourish and learn and grow when its about the food you consume. And also; treats such as this post Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe, are allowed and perfectly healthy for a balanced fun nourishment of the self-journey.

This Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe is the one recipe I needed to make it easy and fast. Especially for those days for when I feel not so in the mood for cooking in the kitchen but still wanting a healthy snack that feels no so healthy jajajaja.

But first a bit history about Churros:

Churros were introduced to South America during the Spanish Inquisition in the 1500s. Around the same time, the Spanish returned to Europe with cacao, which they sweetened with sugar cane to make the kind of thick, hot chocolate that’s perfect for churro dunking.

During the 16th century, Spanish explorers brought Churros to every port of the new world. They quickly became local favourites and this may be why many countries claim Churros as their own.

It is one of our main delights around the “New World”, I still laugh when I think about south America as the “New World” because it is so true right?!. Latin American people are just fuzzy, and hype everywhere. Brand new energy; makes us the youngsters for sure! Messy and vibrant ones!

So yes; back to the Churros’ they are  one deliciousness we didn’t want to leave behind. Specially when we also have so many loving memories my hubby and I around them.

The first time he invited me to grab something out was churros… and I ate like a  10000 of them.. leaving him surprised about the amount of churros I would binge in one sitting. That happened every single time every time since our first date.

Later on; when we were just starting our journey back in Buenos Aires; and we pretty didnt have much to eat at them time, my husband made us some home-made churros with whatever we had at the time. I remember it clearly, despite all the stress, uncertainity and overall recent migration anxious situations. We had our (not so healthy version) churros back to comfort us at the time. (aaa the memories)

Either of ways; churros to us were importat. so; here they are back for us and you as well dear reader to try on.

Migue came up with this idea of turning Churros into Keto Friendly, and I couldn’t be more excited.

So I hope you decide to give it a try out. They are easy, delicious and culturally very rich!!

Lets move on to the ingredients we will need shall we?


Ingredients for our Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

–          64g almond flour

–          28g tablespoons of coconut flour

–          9g xanthan gum or unflavored gelatin

–          240 ml of water

–          2 tablespoons of sweetener

–          Pinch of salt

–          57g of butter

–          2 eggs

–          14 g of psyllium husk

–          5ml vanilla extract

–          30g mozzarella cheese

–          120 ml of coconut oil to fry the churros

Covering for our Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

–          28 G tablespoons of sugar substitute

–          1 tablespoon of cinnamon


Preparation Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

1.In a bowl, pour the dry ingredients:

– 64 grams of almond flour

– 28 grams of coconut flour

– 9 g of psyllium husk

– 9 g of xanthan gum

2.- Mix

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

3.- Heat the stove and inside a pan add:

– 240ML of water

– 57g of butter

– pinch of salt

– 28 G sweetener

4.- Mix until boiling

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

5.- later; lower the heat and slowly add the dry ingredient mixture.

6.- On slow fire; mix about 3 minutes.

7.- Add the 30 Gr of mozzarella Cheese along with the 5 Ml Vanilla Essence + pinch of salt.

8.- Add the 2 eggs at room temperature.

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

9.- Mix for another 3 minutes until dough is dry, well combined and do not stick to the pan.

10.- Remove the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes.


11.- Prepare the sugar and cinnamon covering for the keto churros:

– Add 28 g of sweetener + 14 g of cinnamon powder to a plate.

– Mix until well combined.


Now, time to cook our Keto Easy and Delicious Keto Churros…

12.- place the 120 ML of extra virgin coconut oil in a pan with high walls (make sure it is very hot)

14.- We take a pastry bag and pour dough inside to make the shape of our churros.

Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe

15.- Fry until both sides of  each churro are golden.

16.- Remove our golden churros from the oil and place them in the sweetener preparation with cinnamon on top. Let rest.

17. Voila! they are ready to be enjoyed with a delicious coffee, maybe a keto ice cream or a hot chocolate. keto friendly of course…    


Nutritional Info per CHurro: (22 churros)

Calorie: 50

Protein: 0

Fat: 44 G

Net Carbs: 0.3 Only!




I hope Dear reader you find this one interesting to give it a try dear reader, as I have previously said, we find this Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe a fun option for when we feel bored and do not want to make high efforts to satisfy our sweet tooth cravings.

This an easy delicious way to try something new, very popular from south America and perfect for any occasion, especially during those lovely afternoons.

I hope you get to enjoy them and leave comments with your thoughts on this Easy and Delicious Keto Churros Recipe down below.

Till next time Dear Reader;

Sending you love always

Eugenia R.

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Psy. Eugenia C. Rivero Sanchez

Eugenia Rivero, Venezuelan, trained in clinical psychology at Rafael Urdaneta University (Maracaibo-Venezuela). Experienced both as clinical psychologist in private practice as well as Human Resources Senior Consultant in the corporate environment; Eugenia Rivero, often found herself curious about other possibilities relating to psychotherapy, different lifestyles, and cultures around the globe. With great enthusiasm -and past traumas that needed to be healed- started this healing journey along with her husband, becoming a full immigrant practicing the art of living consciously fully named as Bizarre Day; a united philosophy of mental and physical that equips people to find their inner strength making it possible for them to change unhealthy patterns product of past traumas into a more self-sufficient and fulfilled life. Bizarre Day manage the art of Living consciously with the prime objective to reach out for our best potential through a profound connection between the inside and the outside.
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