6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety symptoms from Home

6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety Symptoms from Home

Following my previous blogs related to anxiety in the early days, and in the midst of this Covid pandemic, lockdowns and generally stressful modern life. I’ve come to understand how useful it is to have some easy tools that would help us; cope better during stressful situations; 6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety symptoms from Home are options we all can use in order to feel better and move forward from pain and anxiety symptoms.

But first, Important information relating Anxiety.

Did you know?

  • For 2017, research have estimate that 792 million lived with a mental health disorder. Slightly more than one in ten people globally (10.7%) (ourworldindata.org)
  • The prevalence of all mental disorders increased by 50% worldwide from 416 million to 615 million between 1990 and 2013 (world health organization, 2016).
  • It is estimated that 264 million adults around the world experience some level of anxiety disorder according to word health Organization in investigations made in 2017 (singlecare.com).
  • Nearly one-third (31.9%) of adolescents (ages 13-18) had an anxiety disorder between 2001 and 2004. Of these adolescents, the 17- to 19-year-old age group was most affected (archives of general psychiatry 2005)
  • In a study made in United States in relation to Anxiety and Covid 19, it’s estimated that during August 2020 – February 2021, the percentage of adults with recent symptoms of an anxiety or a depressive disorder increased from 36.4% to 41.5%, and the percentage of those reporting an unmet mental health care need increased from 9.2% to 11.7%. between ages 18 to 29 years old, with less than a high school education (cdc.gov);

It is important to understand how this silent desease affect us and is increasing every day that passes by; there for information and knowledge is crucial during the process to manage anxiety symptoms since many of us might be dealing with anxiety  and don’t even know about it,

Anxiety definition

6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety Symptoms from HomeAnxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure. Recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. (Encyclopedia of Psychology)

Possible Anxiety Symptoms you might be experiencing:

First, I Would like to highlight that we all are unique, therefore different symptoms may appear in each of us; having said this, common symptoms related to anxiety are.

  • Excessive Worrying – Overthinking

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, individuals with anxiety disorders often worry excessively or have a sense of dread, usually lasting six months or longer.

  • Difficulties Sleeping & Restlessness

It is very common for anxiety to keep people awake at night, especially the night before an event that is contributing to the fear and tension.

  • Concentration Issues

Having difficulty concentrating is a common symptom of anxiety that can also be considered a side-effect of worry or sleep problems.

  • Irritability & Tension

Anxiety can cause people to feel on edge frequently. Sometimes, those who are lost in thought about something worrisome might feel caught off-guard, or they might become easily angered and will lash out at others when stressed out.

  • Increased Heart Rate & Palpitations

Some of the most prevalent physical symptoms of anxiety involve the heart. When faced with a situation that induces stress, a person may notice that his or her heart rate goes up or begins to feel irregular. These feelings are very common during panic attacks

  • Sweating

An increase in body temperature often comes from one’s heart-rate and blood pressure going up.

  • Trembling & Shaking

The stress associated with anxiety can cause a person’s limbs to shake uncontrollably, especially the hands.

  • Chest Pains & Shortness Of Breath

Like the changes in heart and temperature, a person’s breathing may also be affected by anxiety. They may feel like they cannot get enough oxygen in their lungs and experience a sensation of tightness or pain in their chest, This is known as dyspnea.

  • Feelings Of Terror Or Impending Doom

These particular symptoms can be quite severe and paralyzing. A feeling that something bad is about to happen, or is in the process of happening, can sometimes appear out of nowhere. According to the American Psychological Association, these symptoms often pass within a few minutes.

If you are feeling like it is not possible to manage these uncomfortable symptoms by your self it is best to ask for professional help and go to a specialist such a psychologist or psychiatrics so together can work on a solution that may help you with your symptoms.

6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety symtoms from Home

6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety Symptoms from Home

1.- Meditation:

One of the main goals of meditation is to bring us to the present moment, cleaning our minds of intrusive, chaotic thoughts and restoring calmness.

30 minutes of daily meditation; research have shown to reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms and regulate nervous system.

2.- Yoga Proactive:

A way to dealing with anxiety in a natural way is by staying active which release hormones like, endorphins (happy hormones).

Among the multiple benefits from yoga, has been found to improve vitality, energy and respiration processes.

3.- Take a deep Breath:

6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety Symptoms from HomeRelated to meditation, deep breaths bring you back to the present moment, allowing you to restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety symptoms not running away from it, but going through instead.

4.- Be careful with café; amigo:

Now, even though having a cup of coffee in the mornings or afternoons might be a very nice idea in general, the truth is when feeling Anxiety symptoms, caffeine acts more like a negative stimulant that increase them, sometimes making symtomps go higher.

It is best to avoid coffee in order to remain as calm as possible.

5.- What about a cup of tea?:

In a study 2009 study Trusted Source showed chamomile may also be a powerful ally against generalized anxiety disorder.

The study found people who took German chamomile capsules (220 milligrams up to five times daily) had a greater reduction in scores for tests that measure anxiety symptoms than those who were given a placebo.

It improves better sleep and calmness within.

6.- Night, Night:

Insomnia is a very common anxiety symptom. And a good night sleep is key to recover and reduce such symptoms. Therefore, make a priority to sleep by:

– Not read, watch tv or use screen on the bed.

– Create a healthy routine, such as sleeping at the same time every night. (It might be difficult at first, but after a while you will start noticing improvement)

-Keeping room, organized. Clean, dark, and cool. (making the right environment for your rest is key to have a good night rest).

-Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or eat large meals before going to bed.

6 Effective Ways to Release Anxiety symptoms from Home, might seem too simple to follow; and they really are…

They do not really cost anything else but our self-effort and determination to feel better from the inside out.

By doing this simple steps daily, our body and mind will be thankful and in return it will allow you to come back to the center.

Let me know your thoughts on this,

Do you have any other possible  way to fight back anxiety symptoms?

Dont forget to put your comments down below.

Till next time!

Sending you love Always,

Eugenia R.

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Psy. Eugenia C. Rivero Sanchez

Eugenia Rivero, Venezuelan, trained in clinical psychology at Rafael Urdaneta University (Maracaibo-Venezuela). Experienced both as clinical psychologist in private practice as well as Human Resources Senior Consultant in the corporate environment; Eugenia Rivero, often found herself curious about other possibilities relating to psychotherapy, different lifestyles, and cultures around the globe. With great enthusiasm -and past traumas that needed to be healed- started this healing journey along with her husband, becoming a full immigrant practicing the art of living consciously fully named as Bizarre Day; a united philosophy of mental and physical that equips people to find their inner strength making it possible for them to change unhealthy patterns product of past traumas into a more self-sufficient and fulfilled life. Bizarre Day manage the art of Living consciously with the prime objective to reach out for our best potential through a profound connection between the inside and the outside.
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