Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes

Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes

With only 4 Net Carbs per Cupcake!

Hello Dear Reader! Hope you are feeling amazing, vibrant and in good terms with life as always. Sooo! Lately I have been craving a keto dessert snack in the afternoon that is not so high in calories and have a fruity taste that feels fresh, and easy to make of course with blueberries; there for I thought a nice easy amazing blueberry cupcakes recipe would be the perfect option to satisfy this craving and remain fruity and healthy at the same time.

It was the first time we made this to be honest and we were more than delighted.

Amazing Keto Blueberry CupcakesNowadays I see so many high calories Keto meals and desserts out there… and even though in Keto lifestyle,  calories are not so transcendent like in other types of lifestyles, they do make an influence in our bodies. If we over consume calories and do not burn them; it will accumulate, and we will get unhealthy back again.

Excess is always bad regardless our lifestyle. Too much of a good thing will turn it into a negative as well. Even with water this can occur.

So here there is another wonderful option, low calorie; low carb, gluten free, sugar free option and very easy to make, that will satisfy your sugar craving or like in my particular case; fruity craving.

So this option goes perfectly good for those who are in a regimen for losing weight. It is healthy, light to the stomach and filling.

I hope you enjoy this option as much as we do; and let me know in the comments down below your thoughts on this one.

Now let’s begin, shall we?

Ingredients we will need for our Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes

Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes

1.- 128 Gr Almond Flour

2.- 64 Gr Erythritol

3.- 1.5 Pink Salt (or whatever salt you have there, it is just a pinch of salt needed)

4.- 28 Gr Baking Powder

5.- 2 Eggs at Room Temperature

6.- 5 Gr Vanilla essence

7.- 20 Drops Stevia

8.- 30 Ml Almond Milk (or heavy milk if you feel more into dairy)

9.- 64 Gr Butter Melted

10.- 70 Gr Fresh Blueberries


Preparation for our Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes

  • Preheat Oven at 180 C

1.Grease a cupcake pan or line it with muffin cups.

Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes

2. In a large mixing bowl melt the 45 Gr of butter in the microwave.

3. Add in the remaining ingredients, except for the blueberries and combine using a hand mixer or a whisk until uniform in consistency (as seen in video).

4. Gently fold in your fresh blueberries.

5. Evenly divide the batter throughout 8 cupcakes and bake for 22-25 minutes.


6.- Allow to cool for 5-10 minutes prior to handling.

7.- Voila! Ready to serve. Enjoy!



Nutritional Info per serving (1 Cupcake) – Mix for total 6 cupcakes!

Calories: 157

Fat: 17 G

Protein:5 G

Net Carb: 4 Net Carb


Thank you for your constant support and feedbacks Dear Reader; I mean, they are very encouraging, and although this is a quite short post and I am most aware of it, I promise this is one recipe that you wont want to miss out.

Amazing Keto Blueberry CupcakesI also wanted to thank KetoConnect for this recipe; it is super easy, healthy and fresh. Precisely what I was looking for. If you feel like checking for more awesome keto content I will leave the website link down below. They sure are my Keto Option for inspiration!!

Do Let me know dear reader your thoughts on this one; I hope you get to this Amazing Keto Blueberry Cupcakes during one rainy afternoon or perhaps with a cup of coffee first hour in the morning for breakfast. Either of ways; I hope you feel like you are treating yourself kindly with this awesome healthy keto recipe.

Till Next Time Dear Reader.


Love Always

Eugenia R.

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Psy. Eugenia C. Rivero Sanchez

Eugenia Rivero, Venezuelan, trained in clinical psychology at Rafael Urdaneta University (Maracaibo-Venezuela). Experienced both as clinical psychologist in private practice as well as Human Resources Senior Consultant in the corporate environment; Eugenia Rivero, often found herself curious about other possibilities relating to psychotherapy, different lifestyles, and cultures around the globe. With great enthusiasm -and past traumas that needed to be healed- started this healing journey along with her husband, becoming a full immigrant practicing the art of living consciously fully named as Bizarre Day; a united philosophy of mental and physical that equips people to find their inner strength making it possible for them to change unhealthy patterns product of past traumas into a more self-sufficient and fulfilled life. Bizarre Day manage the art of Living consciously with the prime objective to reach out for our best potential through a profound connection between the inside and the outside.
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