

Addiction When I think “Addiction”; many words come to my mind that I associate addiction with. The first one would be familiar and the second would be common; and sometimes when I think about that I feel sad. Like it is unfair and hollow. Hello Again Dear Reader; I hope life finds you well, that […]

The Real Meaning of Malnourishment

The Real Meaning of Malnourishment Intro Hello Dear Reader; hope life is treating you well, hope that you are feeling energized and getting along with existence. Especially nowadays when everything seems a bit hectic and violent. I find interesting the fact that it is now that myself wanted to write a specific post relating to […]

The Greatness of Learning How to say No and Euphoria from HBO

The Greatness of Learning How to say No and Euphoria from HBO Believe it or not dear Reader; one of the things that caught my attention to make “The Greatness of Learning How To say No!” post is this tv show called Euphoria from HBO (the one tv show everyone is talking about and there […]

Let’s talk about Self-Responsibility

Let's talk about Self-Responsibility

Let’s talk about Self-Responsibility During our Nourishment of the Self Journey for a moment As the years passed by for me Dear Reader; the meaning of the word responsibility kept on changing constantly. I felt like the whole self-responsibility aspect was completely misguided by my own codependency and therefore I used to blame everyone else […]

The True Key to Success

The True Key to Success

The True Key to Success Let’s talk about consistency during a nourishment of the Self Journey One of the major situations I used to deal with during my previous years was the fact that I always had issues with consistency; and while I find myself searching on my mind about what would be appropriate to […]

Let’s talk about Guilt Emotion on a Healing Journey. Part 2

Let’s talk about Guilt Emotion on a Healing Journey. Part 2 Hello again Dear Reader! Here I bring the continuation named Let’s talk about Guilt Emotion on a Healing Journey. Part 2 since I’ve found important keep on sharing thoughts on Guilt. I believe it is a necessity to talk about this; Guilt  is such a […]

Let’s talk about Anger On a Healing Journey For A Moment

Let’s talk about Anger On a Healing Journey For A Moment Anger is an emotion that is very well known and even familiar for some; just recently _and because managing anger is an inevitable part of a healing journey_ I’ve just had, I believe, the worst weekend ever emotionally speaking; so basically, that’s the reason […]

Let’s talk about Guilt Emotion on a Healing Journey. Part 1

Let’s talk about Guilt Emotion on a Healing Journey. Part 1   Let’s talk about Guilt Emotion on a Healing Journey. Part 1, relates to the fact that, one of the main difficulties people experience as an impediment to connecting with their true selves is by this “huge door locked” called Guilt. On the daily […]